Thursday, February 17, 2022

Media On War

        The reason why I believe many of the anti-war websites are difficult to find is two-fold. Firstly, these websites are- or have links- to right-leaning websites. Mainstream media, on the other hand, mostly leans to the left. This means that much of this information will be censored or simply not pushed into the limelight because the mainstream media does not want to affiliate with right-leaning companies. The problem with this is that, for example, has a mix of articles from websites beyond the two-party system and is more of a hub of information, but their affiliation causes them to be ignored.


        Secondly, anti-war websites can be anti-government. For example, the website American Conservative has multiple articles against the Biden administration and particularly how it is treating the conflict arising between Ukraine and Russia. Because the government can benefit from war (i.e. conflicts in South America, Bush administration in the Middle East), anti-war publicans can make the public go against them, and the last thing the government wants is another Vietnam. Secondly, the government does not want people to complain about war efforts if they are trying to push it for political reasons. Anti-war websites are “off the grid” because the government can also push its influence on other countries. They can do this physically, or in a more round about way, like an arms war of the space race that took place between The United States and the Soviet Union.

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