Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Five Sources of News and Information


I use Instagram as my main source of entertainment-based news. I follow various media accounts for franchises I am interested in including Marvel. I also follow IMDB to learn about a larger range of updates of film and television projects. I also get some updates related to politics and events going on in the United States when they are big enough for friends to post about it. Once I see this, I usually try to search it up myself to find more information on the topic.


I use CNBC and MSNBC as my source of left-wing media. I know that this media is biased, but it is generally good for more neutral topics in politics and news. Additionally, whenever I return home this is usually playing on the television. At home, the nightly news is usually what is watched and was a majority of my news before college.

Fox News

I use Fox News as my source of right-wing media. This media source is also biased, just on the other side of the political spectrum. I use Fox as a way to get general media, and then to check it against CNBC to hopefully find a middle ground. If I cannot, then I result to simply looking it up and researching myself. This is not played as much on the television at home, but will still occasionally be playing.


I use Reddit mainly for updates on the NBA. On the app, there is a way that you can join different communities based on particular interests. The one that I spend time on is for the NBA team the Atlanta Hawks, where I get updates on player trades, game updates, and Covid-19 player updates. Because I am not very knowledgeable on the NBA, watching people discuss plays during timeouts and halftime during games helps me better understand what is going on.



Google seems like an obvious choice, and that is because it is. I use google and my main search engine, so I do not often get news directly from google, but I get news through it. Every once in a while Google will have their title drawn in the style or inspired by a person who’s birthday is being celebrated or an anniversary of an event. I will often click on them and then further research just because it intrigues me.

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