Friday, January 28, 2022

The United States Supreme Court

    While learning about the Supreme Court, I didn’t realize was the amount of cases that are brought every year, and that only around one hundred of them are even taken into real consideration. It is fascinating to think of the thousands of people that have their letters ignored because there are too many to shift through. Amongst them, there must be many that the judges see and get a chuckle out of, just because of how ridiculous the claims are. On the other hand, there must therefore be cases that the judges want to help but know that the law cannot or does not work in a way to help their case.

    I also did not know that it took months per case, and that there needs to be revision after revision to find a proper solution. Surprisingly, the Supreme Court has only had 115 justices throughout its history. This, in an afterthought, is more obvious because they serve for ‘life’ and the United States is relatively not that old as a country.


    The most important takeaway is the absolute power that the Supreme Court really holds. They are one of the three branches of governmental power in the United States, and can even go through the president whenever they feel it justifies. Because of this, sadly, the court can be influenced by presidents placing biased judges to lean toward their political side. After watching the video, my opinion of the Supreme Court has not really changed, but has only improved in the way that I respect their importance.

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